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At 19 , in 1984 he bought an old wreck of a 21ft boat and stripped it back to a bare Hull and rebuilt his first basic fishing boat and this is where his love of boat fishing first began and over the last 37 years and numerous boats later have accumulated a myriad of marks for all different species of fish in the Thames Estuary and adjoining rivers. 

Never happy to sit back and fish what he calls the banker marks that always produce a few fish much preferring to hunt and try new ground and there's nothing more satisfying than when all the rods start banging over and the excitement when an Angler catches a personal best. 


Phil Browning first started fishing when he was 9 years old 47 years ago at a Park Pond in Southend, and soon progressed to sea fishing which he preferred as it was the excitement of never knowing what maybe swimming beneath the waves. From the age of 10 virtually lived up Southend pier most weekends or the foreshore at Westcliff and Southend, catching mainly flatfish, Mackerel, and Bass in the summer and Cod in the winter.

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